Our catalog is a work in progress and isn't a full representation of what we carry in-store, please call if you don't see the item you're looking for at 608-323-3939 or visit hardwarehank.com and we can special order anything that we may not have in-stock! We are willing to ship, but the customer will have to contact us for shipping charges.

Meguiars Quik Wax 24 Oz. Trigger Spray Car Wax


SKU: 272047
Available Inventory: 1
  • $12.99
    Unit price per 

Mist on and wipe off to wax entire car (wet or dry) in minutes, even in full sun. Shine-as-You-Dry formula offers deep, dark reflections with increased gloss and shine that won't whiten on plastic trim. Safe on glossy paints and clear coat finishes. Not for use on flat, matte or satin finishes.

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