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Zareba Fi-Shock® Plastic Gate Handle


SKU: 106896
Available Inventory: 0
  • $6.99
    Unit price per 

Used for animal containment. This plastic is molded of tough, high quality plastic with shockproof thickness for safe handling protection. Orange color - great for visibility.


When planning your electric fence, there are several things you should consider. Among them, placement of the gate and the type of gate handle you choose. Your electric fence gate, if possible, should be placed at corners instead of in the middle of the fence.

This durable Fi-Shock® Plastic Gate Handle is molded of tough, high quality plastic. It is designed with shockproof thickness for safe handling protection. In addition, the orange color of the gate handle makes it more visible too.

As a general rule of thumb for insulated plastic gate handles, your electric fence should have one plastic gate handle for every electrified wire.

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