Our catalog is a work in progress and isn't a full representation of what we carry in-store, please call if you don't see the item you're looking for at 608-323-3939 or visit hardwarehank.com and we can special order anything that we may not have in-stock! We are willing to ship, but the customer will have to contact us for shipping charges.

Motsenbocker's 4.5 Fl Oz. Water Base Indoor/ Outdoor Caulk Remover


SKU: 569467
Available Inventory: 1
  • $9.49
    Unit price per 

A water-based and biodegradable gelled remover to remove latex-based or polyurethane based foam sealants, polyurethane glues, silicones, latex caulks, construction adhesives, acrylic latex caulks, and more. Use to clean surfaces: Tile, porcelain, stainless steel, hand tools, marble, hard surfaces, hands, wood, plastic, ceramic, carpet, vinyl flooring, fabric, metal, Formica , glass, stone, granite, fiberglass, and more. Test for colorfastness of the surface to an inconcpicuous area. Carded. 4.5 fl. oz. squeeze bottle.

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