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K-T Industries Electrodes 5 LB 3/32" (3/32")

K-T Industries

SKU: 547786
Available Inventory: 0
  • $21.99
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K-T 7014 is an all position electrode with a rutile base and iron powder addition to increase deposition rates and give welder appeal. Easy slag removal and outstanding bead appearance. Designed for AC, DC+, or DC-power. This electrode is recommended for applications where higher deposition and speed of travel is important. Use when 6013's welding efficiency is not acceptable. Typical applications include machine bases, frames and heavy sheet metal. Use for a variety of steels including low, medium and high carbon steels, free machining steels, low alloy structures, and high carbon castings. 79,000 PSI tensile strength. This electrode is frequently used for short, irregular, poorly fit or downhill joints with medium to low penetration. 3/32" 50-100 operating Amps.

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