Our catalog is a work in progress and isn't a full representation of what we carry in-store, please call if you don't see the item you're looking for at 608-323-3939 or visit hardwarehank.com and we can special order anything that we may not have in-stock! We are willing to ship, but the customer will have to contact us for shipping charges.
Meeco's Red Devil 1-1/2 Lb. Multi-Fuel Fire Starter Pellets
Multi-fuel fire lighting pellets. Made from premium red fir sawdust and denatured alcohol. Fastest, easiest, cleanest, and most efficient way to start multi-fuel, corn, pellet, and coal stoves. Pellets reach a temperature of 1800 F (degrees Fahrenheit) within 20 seconds and leave no residue ash. Obvious yellow flame and leaves no petroleum residual or smell on food products.